Phase: Stable (care needs controlled with existing plan of care)
Prognosis: Last year of life
Key clinical process: Advance care planning
- Patient/carer holistic needs assessment
(including physical, psychological, emotional, social, spiritual and cultural domains) - Determine goals of care & instigate holistic care plan
- Communicate with patient and carer
- Provide ‘palliative approach’ information leaflet
- Initiate Advance Care Planning discussion and complete documentation, if appropriate (including Advance Care Directive (ACD))
- Identify surrogate decision maker
- Initiate resuscitation discussion, if appropriate
- Complete Resuscitation Plan, if appropriate
- Complete Ambulance Plan, if appropriate
- Initiate advance care planning discussions
- Advance care planning documentation – Advance care plan and end of life wishes form
- Advance care directive – NSW Health Advance Care Directive
- Surrogate decision maker – NSW Guardianship Division Person Responsible factsheet
- NSW Capacity Toolkit
- Advance Care Planning Australia: Factsheet for GPs - Advance care planning in general practice: Guidance on the use of Medicare Benefits Schedule Items
- Advance Care Planning Australia – Factsheet for Healthcare Professionals
- Advance Care Planning Australia – Factsheet for GPs
- NSW Trustee Guardian - Enduring Guardianship
- NSW Government: Enduring Guardianship - Planning for your future health and lifestyle decisions
Resuscitation Plan Documents
- Initiate resuscitation discussions – NSW Health PD2014_030
- Resuscitation Plan - Adult form (also on pages 22-23 of PD2014_030)
- Resuscitation Plan – Paediatric form (also on pages 24-25 of PD2014_030)
Ambulance Plan Documents
- Optimise symptom management
- Rationalise regular medications
- Provide aids and equipment, if required
- Refer to allied health team, if required
- Register for carer respite
- Apply for carer allowance +/- payment
- Refer to home care services, if required
- Refer to Specialist Palliative Care (SPC) Team
- Discuss at Specialist Palliative Care MDT Meeting
- 24/7 Palliative Care on-call service, if available
Phase: Unstable (potentially reversible deterioration with uncertain recovery and prognosis, requiring urgent review of plan of care)
Prognosis: Uncertain
Key clinical process: Urgent assessment and management of potentially reversible deterioration in line with wishes and goals of care
- Urgent assessment and treatment of potentially reversible deterioration in line with wishes and advance care planning
- Frequent reassessment, review of goals of care and communication with patient and carer
- If in hospital, consider initiating AMBER Care Bundle
- Urgent assessment and treatment of potentially reversible deterioration in line with wishes and goals of care - Far West Palliative & End of Life Medical Goals of Care
Western NSW PHS: Factsheet for GPs – Medicare Billing in RACFs
- Amber care bundle - please visit:
Phase: Deteriorating (decline in overall functional status, with gradual worsening of existing and/or anticipate problems, requiring periodic review of plan of care)
Prognosis: Last months - weeks of life
Key clinical processes: Anticipatory care planning and MDT care coordination
- Reassess holistic care needs frequently
- Review goals of care and holistic care plan to address current and future anticipated need
- Discussion at MDT Case Conference
- Communicate with patient and carer
- Review and update Advance Care Plan / Advance Care Directive and goals of care
- Confirm Preferred Place of Care (PPC) and consider transfer to PPC, if appropriate
- Initiate or review resuscitation discussion
- Complete Resuscitation Plan, if not already done
- Complete Ambulance Plan, if not already done
- Complete Expected Death form, if at home
- Initiate advance care planning discussions
- Advance care planning documentation – Advance care plan and end of life wishes form
- Advance care directive – NSW Health Advance Care Directive
- Surrogate decision maker – NSW Guardianship Division Person Responsible factsheet
- NSW Capacity Toolkit
- Advance Care Planning Australia: Factsheet for GPs - Advance care planning in general practice: Guidance on the use of Medicare Benefits Schedule Items
- Advance Care Planning Australia – Factsheet for Healthcare Professionals
- Advance Care Planning Australia – Factsheet for GPs
- NSW Trustee Guardian - Enduring Guardianship
- NSW Government: Enduring Guardianship - Planning for your future health and lifestyle decisions
Resuscitation Plan Documents
- Initiate resuscitation discussions – NSW Health PD2014_030
- Resuscitation Plan - Adult form (also on pages 22-23 of PD2014_030)
- Resuscitation Plan – Paediatric form (also on pages 24-25 of PD2014_030)
Ambulance Plan Documents
Expected Home Death Documents
- Optimise symptom management
- Rationalise regular medications
- Prescribe anticipatory crisis drugs and orders
- Ensure drug administration equipment in situ
- FWLHD Palliative Care Symptom Management Pocket Guide
- FWLHD Palliative Care Opioid Conversion Chart
- Symptom Management
- Anticipatory crisis drugs – FWLHD Prescribing recommendations in the last days of life
- FWLHD Medication Chart for Anticipatory Last Days of Life Medications - example
- Clinical Excellence Commission - Community Pharmacy Palliative Care Initiative
Drug administration equipment
- Provide aids and equipment
- Refer to allied health team, if required
- Initiate carer respite, if required
- Refer to home care service, if required
- Refer to Specialist Palliative Care (SPC) Team
- Discuss at Specialist Palliative Care MDT Meeting
- 24/7 Palliative Care on-call service, if available
Phase: Terminal
Prognosis: Last days of life
Key clinical process: Comfort care in the last days of life
- Reassess care needs at least daily
- Review care plan, in line with goals of care
- Initiate Last Days of Life Toolkit
or Residential Aged Care End of Life Pathway
- Far West Palliative & End of Life Medical Goals of Care
- Western NSW PHN: Factsheet for GPs – Medicare Billing in RACFs
Last days of life toolkit
- Visit:
- LDOL Toolkit Initiating Management Plan
- LDOL Toolkit Comfort Observation and Symptom Assessment form
Residential aged care end of life pathway
- Communicate with patient and carer
- Provide ‘last days of life’ information leaflet
- Confirm Preferred Place of Death (PPD) and consider transfer if appropriate
- Complete Resuscitation Plan, if not already done
- Complete Ambulance Plan, if not already done
- Complete Expected Death form, if at home and not already done
Resuscitation Plan Documents
- Initiate resuscitation discussions – NSW Health PD2014_030
- Resuscitation Plan - Adult form (also on pages 22-23 of PD2014_030)
- Resuscitation Plan – Paediatric form (also on pages 24-25 of PD2014_030)
Ambulance Plan Documents
Expected Home Death Documents
- Optimise symptom management
- Discontinue non-essential medications
- Prescribe anticipatory crisis drugs and orders
- Ensure drug administration equipment in situ
- FWLHD Palliative Care Symptom Management Pocket Guide
- FWLHD Palliative Care Opioid Conversion Chart
- Symptom Management
- Anticipatory crisis drugs – FWLHD Prescribing recommendations in the last days of life
- FWLHD Medication Chart for Anticipatory Last Days of Life Medications - example
- Clinical Excellence Commission - Community Pharmacy Palliative Care Initiative
Clinical Excellence Commission Last Days of Life Toolkit
(CEC LDoLT) symptom management flowcharts:
- 1) Management of PAIN in the last days of life
- 2) Management of BREATHLESSNESS in the last days of life
- 3) Management of RESTLESSNESS and AGITATION in the last days of life
- 4) Management of NAUSEA and VOMITING in the last days of life
- 5) Management of RESPIRATORY TRACT SECRETIONS in the last days of life
Drug administration equipment
- Refer to home care services, if required
- Provide carer medical certificates, if needed
- Identify carers ‘at risk’ of bereavement
- Refer to Specialist Palliative Care (SPC) Team
- Discuss at Specialist Palliative Care MDT Meeting
- 24/7 Palliative Care on-call service, if available
Phase: Bereavement
Timeframe: Days, weeks and months after death
Key clinical process: Care after death and bereavement support
- Undertake verification of death
- Complete Coroner’s Checklist
- Complete Medical Certificate of Cause of Death
- Completed Attending Practitioner’s Cremation Certificate, if required
- Provide after death care
Care after death
Verification of death
Coroners checklist
- Coroners Cases and the Coroners Act 2009 - NSW PD2010_054
- NSW Health coroners checklist form
- NSW Health report of a death to the coroner form
Medical certificate of cause of death
- Cause of death quick reference guide
- NSW Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) - example only
- NSW Medical Certificate of Cause of Death: How to order a book of MCCD forms:
Cremation certificate
Provide after death care
- Communicate with family and carers
- Provide bereavement information to carer
Bereavement information
- Notify healthcare professionals involved
- Wider MDT reflection and debrief, if required
- For deaths in hospital: Complete CEC death screen
- For deaths known to Specialist Palliative Care:
After Death Discussion at SPC MDT Meeting