Tenders & Grants

All Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSW PHN) tenders are managed on our e-Procurement Portal, Tenderlink. To use this system and access tender documents you must first be a registered supplier. There is no charge to register and download documents. To register visit our e-procurement portal on Tenderlink and click the registration button.  During the registration process, you will be requested to provide contact details, including an email address, that will be used to notify your organisation of available tenders.

If you have any technical problems using the portal, contact Tenderlink support on:

T: 1800 233 533 (business hours)

E: support@tenderlink.com (24 hours a day 7 days a week)


Current Tenders, Grants & EOIs

My Care Future

WNSW PHN is seeking a single organisation with appropriate skills and experience to deliver the services for "My Care Future" program.

The My Care Future program is a two-part model of Advanced Care Planning. The first part being the employment of coordinators to lead a peer volunteer workforce and the second part being the development and testing of the feasibility model(s) for First Nations communities.

The Request for Proposal provides contextual and technical information for organisations interested in submitting a tender application under the project.

Eligibility criteria

Refer to the Conditions of Request for Proposal available in the Tenderlink (link below).

Further information

The following documents are available for download in the Tenderlink (link below):

  • Request for Proposal
  • Attachment A - Proposed Contract for Services
  • Attachment B - Advanced Care Directive Peer Led Workshop - City of Onkaparinga

If you have any queries related to Request for Proposal, please submit them via the Tenderlink online forum.

How to Apply

Please apply for this tender through our Tenderlink:

Apply through Tenderlink

Applications close

Applications will close on 30 January 2025


WNSW PHN undertakes Procurement in a range of different ways, from the simple procurement of goods and services that meets WNSW PHN essential business requirements through to the complex procurement of goods, services and supplies, particularly in relation to the commissioning of services.

WNSW PHN aims to ensure procurement is undertaken in accordance with best practice, quality principles, complying with financial delegations, all contractual, legislative and regulatory requirements and maximising value for money.

WNSW PHN Procurement abides by the following principles:

  • Open and Effective Competition, actively encouraging competition in an endeavour to achieve the best outcome/value per dollar spent, giving fair and reasonable opportunity and consideration to all prospective suppliers, including those operating in the WNSW PHN region, wishing to engage in business with WNSW PHN.
  • Value for Money, using public funds to ensure the best performance and return is achieved by using prudent evaluation methods, due consideration to the ‘whole of life costings’ and selection criteria.
  • Ethical Behaviour and Fair Dealings through impartiality, advancing the interests of WNSW PHN, ensuring all potential Suppliers are treated fairly and consistently and maintain a high level of professionalism, confidentiality and objectivity ensuring there is no conflict of interest.
  • Accountability and Transparency, with careful record-keeping, maintained at all stages of projects, particularly when important decisions are made.
  • Sustainable Services, resourced with appropriately qualified clinicians, provided to the target communities regularly, effectively, at a cost that is affordable and funded and provides maximum value for money.
  • Evidence-Based Decisions, to procure goods and services based on validated and reliable population health data and in accordance with identified needs.