Emergency Preparedness for businesses

No one can predict when an emergency is going to take place.

Having a pre-prepared plan is the best way to respond to an emergency before it happens. Your plans will help you and your staff in the event of an emergency.

Use these tips and resources to prepare your business for an emergency situation - before it happens.

Business emergency planning tools

SafeWork Australia: Emergency plans fact sheet

SafeWork Australia: Emergency plan template

Develop an emergency management plan

Emergency management plan template

Prepare your business for an emergency

NSW State Emergency Service: Emergency business continuity plan

Emergency management – take action checklist

Other resources:

Be ready for an emergency evacuation

Emergency survival kit


Australian Immunisation Handbook

National Immunisation Catch-up Calculator

The National Immunisation Catch-up Calculator (NICC) is now available and is based on the Australian National Immunisation Program (NIP) recommendations for Australian immunisation schedules. 

The Calculator does not provide recommendations for individuals with Medical at Risk conditions where additional boosters may be recommended.

Users should always exercise their own independent skill or judgment or seek additional professional advice before relying on the information provided for clinical decision making.

The Calculator can be accessed via the Australian Immunisation Handbook website.

Vaccine Cold Chain Management

Cold Chain Breach

  1. Isolate / quarantine vaccines – keep refrigerated and do not use
  2. Contact your local public health unit (PHU) on 1300 066 055
  3. Complete the Cold Chain Breach Reporting Form and email to PHU; include data logger readings and the chart of min/max monitoring (am & pm).
Immunisation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

National Immunisation Program for all Indigenous people (NIP – funded vaccines) from 1 July 2020


 ATAGI clinical advice on changes to vaccine recommendations and funding for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from 1 July 2020 (attached). Changes relate to:

  1. Meningococcal B (Men B) vaccine (Bexsero®)
  2. Meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) vaccine (Nimenrix®)
  3. 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (13vPCV, Prevenar 13®)
  4. 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (23vPPV, Pneumovax 23®)




Emergency Preparedness

Immunisation Education and CPD online modules

Q Fever

Yellow Fever


PIP Quality Improvement Measures 

PEN CS Training Guide:



 To be eligible to receive a PIP QI payment general practices must:

  • be eligible to claim PIPs – be accredited or registered for accreditation
  • register for the PIP QI Incentive through Health Professional Online Services (HPOS) from 1 August 2019
  • electronically submit data to Western NSW Primary Health Network – WNSW PHN has elected to use PEN CAT tool for practices to submit data
  • undertake continuous quality improvement activities in partnership with WNSW PHN


Improvement Measures – Influenza Immunisation PEN CS Recipes

PEN CS Webinars


 Practice Management
 Quality Health Information Program
 Translation and Interpreting Services