Events Calendar Upcoming Events

Pain Management and Addiction Webinar Series (Online)

Date: 28-02-2018 19:00:00 to 20:30

Date & Time:      28 February 2018, 7.00pm to 8.30pm
Location:      Online - GOTO WEBINAR
Contact:      Katie Prior  T: 02 6813 0933 E: 
Register by:     26 February 

Codeine Use and Addiction

Presented by Dr Leon Nixon (FAChAM)

Addiction Specialist | Director, Involuntary Drug & Alcohol Treatment Unit Bloomfield Hospital

Topics covered:

  • Identifying Codeine withdrawal
  • Assessing for dependence, Assessing for addiction and the difference
  • Prescribing alternatives and treatment considerations
  • Resources and guidelines for GPs to use

For further information please download the FLYER
