Events Calendar Upcoming Events

“Healing Hearts”

Date: 11-02-2025 12:30:00

The Training Support Unit Jumbunna Sessions are a series of dedicated
professional development webinars with an Aboriginal cultural lens. These
webinars are for multidisciplinary staff working in the Aboriginal Maternal Infant Health Service (AMIHS), Building Strong Foundations (BSF) teams and interested healthcare colleagues who provide services in partnership with Aboriginal families in NSW.

Presentation Details

This webinar “Healing Hearts” brings together knowledge custodians in Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) to provide an understanding of this preventable disease. We will be joined by researchers, a cardiologist, the NSW RHD Coordinator and the Aboriginal Environmental Health Unit to provide
depth of understanding and demonstrate a preventable approach. This will target primary prevention and address the cultural and social determinants of
health, which is the key to eradicating this disease in our Aboriginal communities.

RHD is twice as common in women than men, often starting in childhood or adolescence. The first clinical signs are most common among children aged between 5 to 14 years in our communities. Untreated Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF) can progress and lead to heart valve damage, which is associated with significant cardiac and perinatal morbidity. Preconception planning, counselling and RHD screening are pivotal to best practice outcomes for our women embracing pregnancy.

When: Tuesday 11 February 2025, 12:30pm – 2:00pm (AEDT)

Where: Online webinar

More information and registration via the flyer.
