Events Calendar Upcoming Events

WNSW PHN: Provider Connect Australia Information Session

Date: 03-07-2024 19:00:00

When Wednesday 3 Jul 2024 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Where Online

In partnership with the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA), we invite primary care, specialist care and allied health care professionals, practice managers, practice nurses and pharmacies to a webinar that will provide an overview of the Provider Connect Australia (PCA) initiative - a single place for updating your business information and services, which automatically updates both the National Health Service Directory (NHSD) and the data shared with your other business partners.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn what PCA is designed for, its benefits to healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations.
  • Demonstration on how healthcare organisations can access PCA.
  • Demonstration on how healthcare organisations can register for PCA
  • Demonstration on how to add organisations, services and healthcare professionals in PCA
  • Demonstration on how to nominate business partners in PCA

