Alcohol & Other Drugs
For an overview of the services we fund for alcohol and other drugs, visit our Services We Commission page.
WNSW PHN funds a range of Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) services to increase the capacity of care for people with substance abuse problems, particularly methamphetamines. These services also aim to improve the effectiveness of the health system through initiatives to increase coordination between various sectors, delivering individualised care and support outcomes.
Alcohol & Other Drugs Services
WNSW PHN funds two main AOD treatment activities; mainstream service delivery, and Indigenous service delivery. These are referral-based services, including screening, counselling, brief intervention and education for families and carers. They also cover capacity building for General Practice and social services to engage with people with substance abuse issues.Although both programs indicate a focus on mainstream or Indigenous services, neither are seen to be exclusive to either.
Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) and Lives Lived Well provide Mainstream services in the Dubbo, Cobar and Broken Hill hubs.
The Weigelli Centre provide Indigenous services in the Walgett, Bourke and Parkes hubs.
Clean Slate Clinic is a telehealth program that supports Australians to safely undergo alcohol, stimulants or cannabis detox from home. Click here to find out more and complete a suitability test.
The Drug & Alcohol Specialist Advisory Service (DASAS) - Phone 1800 023 687 (regional & rural NSW line, 24 hr service)
Telephone service to support doctors, nurses, and other health professionals in NSW and ACT. If you are worried about complexities in a patient presenting to you, this services gives advice and guidance immediately. Managed by St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney.
WNSW LHD Drug & Alcohol Helpline - Phone 1300 887 000 (8.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday)
Support and referral services for people with drug and alcohol problems. Staffed by experienced drug and alcohol clinicians.
National addiction treatment centre that supports healthcare professionals provide high-quality evidence-based practice. Formally affiliated with Monash University.
Breakthrough for Families Queensland’s Get the Facts Booklet
An 8-page resource containing a brief overview of drugs, why people use them, what treatment options are available and things family members can do to help someone who is affected by substance use.
Counselling Online
Free, 24 hour alcohol and other drugs counselling
Family Drug Support
1300 368 186
NSW Alcohol & Drug Information Service
1800 422 599
Your Room
NSW Government alcohol and other drugs information and support services
Stimulant Treatment Line
1800 10 11 88
NSW service providing education, information, referral, crisis counselling and support specifically for stimulant use such as speed, ice, ecstasy, cocaine etc. Managed by St Vincent’ Hospital, Sydney.
Get Healthy Coaching Service
1300 806 258
Telephone-based coaching for healthy lifestyle changes, with 10 free sessions. Available Mon – Fri 8am – 8pm
Alcohol and Drug Foundation
1300 85 85 84
Information on supporting a loved one with drug or alcohol dependency
Narcotics Anonymous
1300 652 820 or 0488 811 247
Find someone to talk to or Find an NA Meeting
This service works best from an unblocked mobile number as it will SMS you meetings information so you don’t have to write it down.
Search by voice or send an SMS with postcode and state/territory to 0488 811 247 and the service will send you a list of meetings within the next 24-hour period starting with the closest available. (EG 2022 NSW)
Alcoholics Anonymous
1300 222 222
Online meetings have been used in AA for a long time. Members have been connecting online for as long as there has been an internet. And because of coronavirus, many more meetings have moved online.
Many AA members use online AA meetings as a supplement to more traditional types of meetings; others (by virtue of geography, disability, or scheduling conflicts) may not be able to share in the fellowship any other way. With the former group, the bond of fellowship is strengthened through the much wider geographical reach of the Internet; with the latter group, the experience, strength, and hope of others in similar circumstances can be a lifeline to sobriety.
Cocaine Anonymous
+61 (0) 432 040 023
Gamblers Anonymous
(02) 9726 6625
Al-Anon Anonymous
Al-Anon Family Groups Western NSW Area:
Office Address: 688 High Street, Penrith NSW 2750
Mailing Address: P O Box 4240 Penrith Plaza NSW 2750
Office Hours: Thursday 11.00am - 2.00pm
Telephone: (02) 4731 1442
Help line: 1300 252 666 (for the cost of a local call)
The Program will lead you, step by step, towards recovery from the chaos and madness of your life with the addict, even if the addict is still in your life.
Many people who have an addict in their lives become ashamed and isolated. We recommend that you join your local Nar-Anon group so you can benefit from the support and friendship of like-minded people who will understand your situation and can help you towards your goal of recovery.
If there is no Nar-Anon group in your area, you can join our on-line Zoom meetings. Contact Lynne on 0412 217 509 or to get details of the next Zoom meeting and your check-in code.
Adult children of Alcoholics /dysfunctional environment
Adult Children of Alcoholics is often the only program for many adult children recovering from the effects of alcoholism or other family dysfunction, including the effects of alcoholism and drug addiction.
Contact Us
Nik Todorovski
Senior Manager - Commissioned Services and Strategic Projects
Phone: 02 5317 1272