
Would $10,000 help you upskill in Diabetes management?


A Western T2 Diabetes Scholarship allowed dietitian Wendy Arney from Coomealla Health Aboriginal Corporation to attend the Diabetes Congress and Diabetes for Dieticians.

“The study leave and bursaries provided opportunities that otherwise would not be available to me, help keep me motivated, improve my skill sets, assist in retaining me as a professional working in this field and location,” said Wendy.

Wendy valued the opportunity the Scholarship provided her to build professional networks and access to emerging evidence and the latest knowledge.

“Professional development allows expansion and optimisation of the range of services that I can offer my clients, helps keep my knowledge current and my spirit up so that I feel that I can keep on providing a service to my clients.”

The Care Partnership – Diabetes (CP-D) program offers the Western T2 Diabetes Scholarship to support the health workforce caring for people living with T2 Diabetes across Western and Far West NSW.

Applications open until 15 December, and it’s easy to apply.

To be eligible, you must be:

  • a doctor, nurse, allied health practitioner, dentist or, Aboriginal health practitioner or worker
  • wanting to enhance the care they provide for people living with type 2 diabetes
  • working in a Western or Far West NSW location, including in a Local Health District setting

The scholarships and bursaries are valued at up to $10,000 per year and can assist with course fees and associated travel and accommodation expenses. Employers may receive funding support to cover the cost of backfilling to release an applicant for study leave to undertake courses that address priority skill needs.

Practising “out bush.”

Wendy says she is very lucky to work as a dietitian in the far southwest of NSW, but sometimes being “out bush” with very little peer contact can be challenging.

“I am a sole practitioner... most of my clients have diabetes. They don’t always have access to a Diabetes Educator. In the absence of a Diabetes Educator, I am called upon to assist my clients with their Endocrinologist appointments and diabetes care,” said Wendy.

About Care Partnership Diabetes

CP-D is a partnership between Western NSW Local Health District (WNSWLHD), the Far West Local Health District (FWLHD), Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSW PHN), NSW Rural Doctors Network (RDN) and supported by contributions from these organisations and funding from the NSW Government as part of the Collaborative Commissioning program.

Apply for a Western T2 Diabetes Scholarship before 15 December