
1st Year Kickstart into Health Science for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students interested in entering a first year of Diploma of Health Science – Mental Health at Charles Sturt University are being offered an opportunity to get thousands of dollars of support for their studies.

The Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSW PHN), through the Charles Sturt Foundation Trust, are offering first year students in 2023 $8,000 scholarships to assist in their efforts to bring more expertise to regional and remote NSW.

WNSW PHN CEO, Andrew Coe, is proud of the opportunity to provide the scholarships through Charles Sturt.

“This is a partnership that makes a great amount of sense, providing opportunities to enhance the mental health expertise within our local communities that then brings the obvious benefits of that expertise to bear for other individuals to live healthier and happier lives,” said Mr Coe.

“I encourage all Indigenous students interested in or entering the course to look at the scholarship available and make an application towards what is hopefully the first step in a long and successful career in providing expertise in mental health care for others.”

Mr Coe added, “This partnership is another demonstration of the commitment by WNSW PHN with Charles Sturt in Closing the Gap in regard to training and capability building opportunities for Indigenous individuals as well as working to improve the health outcomes for people living in Western NSW.”

The Diploma of Health Science (Mental Health) will be conducted through Charles Sturt’s Wagga Wagga campus via either online study or a mix of online and on-campus.

To be eligible, students must identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, reside in the WNSW PHN region, demonstrate in their application their interest in a future career in Regional Australia and not already be employed by the Local Health Districts, with scholarship funds to be paid directly off course fees.

Interested students can access details and applications via the Charles Sturt Scholarships page at

Applications will close on February 3, 2023.