
WNSW PHN Offering Extra Support for After-Hours Primary Health Care


Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSW PHN) has launched its After-Hours Grants Program, specifically aimed at supporting accessible and effective after-hours primary health care for those unable to wait for treatment during regular hours.

Under the Australian Government’s After-Hours Funding Program, grants of up to $100,000 in seed funding are available to the region’s general practices, Aboriginal Medical Services (AMSs) and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) to trial after-hours business models to enable increased access to appropriate after-hours primary health care for the public.

WNSW PHN CEO, Andrew Coe, says access to primary health care for patients after hours-can be vital.

“There are many unique challenges for accessible and effective primary health care across our vast region and this is one of our innovative strategies to ensure the people of Western NSW have access to the right care at the right place and at the right time,” said Mr Coe.

“Timely and convenient access to services is absolutely integral to the best possible health outcomes for our local community, and we’re determined to support primary health care providers in their role to achieve the best results possible.”

Additional grants of up to $20,000 will also be available for activities such as capacity building, system enhancements, and awareness and promotion to support the extended opening hours and other after-hours initiatives.

Mr Coe added, “We strongly urge all of our region’s general practices, AMSs and ACCHOs to explore their options, take advantage of the grants available from WNSW PHN and continue their invaluable work in improving and maintaining the health of our community.”

Applications for the WNSW PHN After-Hours Grants Program opened this week via Tenderlink and will close on Tuesday the 12th of October 2021.

More details can be found on the WNSW PHN website, at