Digital Health is the electronic management of health information to deliver safer, more efficient and better quality healthcare. The Commonwealth’s digital health initiatives include My Health Record, Telehealth, Secure Messaging, electronic transfer of prescriptions and the Healthcare Identifiers Service.
For digital health information and support please contact the WNSW PHN Digital Health Team.
My Health Record 
My Health Record allows Australians to have a secure, online summary of their health information that can be viewed by treating healthcare providers including doctors, nurses and pharmacists across Australia.
My Health Records will not replace existing medical records. Healthcare professionals will continue to take and review clinical notes. The national My Health Record system provides an active online record that follows your patients as they move through Australia's health system, capturing important clinical and treatment information at different points in time. More information can be found at
All healthcare providers in Australia have professional and legal obligations to protect their patients' sensitive health information. Practice owners and managers need to understand their obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 and should be striving to embed good privacy in their practice. In addition, healthcare organisations are required, by legislation, to have a written My Health Record security and access policy to register, and remain registered, with My Health Record regardless of the organisation’s size or how often they access the My Health Record system. At a minimum, an organisation’s My Health Record security and access policy must address the following:
- how people are authorised to access the My Health Record system, and how access is deactivated or suspended when certain circumstances arise
- the training that is provided to employees before they access the My Health Record system, including how to use the system accurately and responsibly, the legal obligations on healthcare provider organisations and individuals and the consequences of breaching those obligations
- the process for identifying a person who requests access to a healthcare recipient’s My Health Record and communicating the person’s identity to the System Operator
- the physical and information security measures taken by the healthcare provider organisation and people accessing the My Health Record system
- mitigation strategies to promptly identify, act upon and report security risks
- assisted registration information (if applicable)
Having a My Health Record security and access policy helps to ensure that the information held within My Health Record is used appropriately, kept secure and protected.
Listen to the Australian Digital Health Agency’s new podcast to learn more about the key components of a My Health Record security and access policy.
- My Health Record website ePIP information
- RACGP My Health Record Resources
- Digital Health on Demand Training for Healthcare Professionals
- Training Resources for Clinical Staff - includes training videos, printed guides and fact sheets
- Online Training for My Health Record
- My Health Record News - What's New
- My Health Record Assisted Registration: A guide for Healthcare Provider Organisations
- Managing your My Health Record
- My Health Record Readiness Checklist
- My Health Record Identification Framework for Healthcare Providers
- My Health Record for Healthcare Professionals
- Annual My Health Record check for registered healthcare provider organisations
My Health mobile app
Access My Health Record information on your mobile via the new my health app.
my health is an Australian Digital Health Agency owned and managed app, and is the latest digital tool developed by the Agency to help consumers and their carers engage with and be proactive in managing their health.
my health is now available to download from iOS and Android app stores by searching for “my health gov”.
my health provides easy access to key health information once it has been uploaded to My Health Record including:
- medicine information history
- pathology results, including COVID-19 test results
- proof of vaccination history and upcoming immunisations
- allergy and reactions information
- hospital discharge summaries
- advance care planning documents
Learn more about my health at
Put your health in your hands with the new my health app.
Download from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store or search “my health gov” in your relevant store.
Telehealth Services
Telehealth services use information and communications technologies to deliver health services and transmit health information. It encompasses diagnosis, treatment, preventive and curative aspects of healthcare services and typically involves patients, care providers or educators in the provision of these services.
Visit our resource page for further information and website links.
Electronic Prescriptions
Electronic prescriptions form part of the broader digital health and medicines safety framework. They enable the prescribing, dispensing and claiming of medicines, without the need for a paper prescription. Prescribers and patients can choose an electronic prescription as an alternative to a paper prescription. Paper prescriptions will still exist.
Under the National Health Plan for COVID-19, the Australian Government has accelerated the delivery of electronic prescribing. From the end of September 2020, all Pharmacists and Prescribers should be in a position to start supporting electronic prescriptions. Click here for more information
An amendment has been made to the Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996 (HDPR) to support the Commonwealth Government’s National Health (COVID-19 Supply of Pharmaceutical Benefits) Special Arrangement 2020. The amendment:
- enables a prescriber to send a digital image of a prescription to a dispenser
- gives a temporary exemption from the requirement to send paper copies of some prescriptions to dispensers
- recognises digital images of prescriptions sent and dispensed under the special arrangement since 26 March 2020 as complying with the HDPR.
To deliver electronic prescriptions, you need to ensure necessary upgrades to both pharmacy and prescriber software can be achieved quickly. Click the links below to access a one-page interactive checklist to help you transition your Pharmacy or Practice to become Electronic Prescriptions Ready.
To request further assistance in becoming electronic prescription ready, please contact the Digital Health Team.
Brenton Jones
Digital Health Support Officer
Phone: 0418 861 918
Australian Digital Health Agency webinars and eLearning
The Australian Digital Health Agency provides training and events on digital health, My Health Record, electronic prescribing and more.
Healthcare providers can register for webinars to learn more about digital health tools and how to use them in practice.
Access free eLearning modules, including the RACGP and ACRRM CPD accredited Using My Health Record in General Practice module at:
Check for upcoming Australian Digital Health Agency events on our events calendar.