
Make a plan and be prepared - September is emergency preparedness month


The Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSW PHN) encourages businesses, residents and communities to be emergency ready this Spring. With the changing seasons and climate, an emergency preparedness plan can make a huge difference should an emergency or disaster occur.

Following the pandemic recovery and having found new ways of working post COVID-19, the Western NSW region also saw record breaking and devastating floods last year, with recovery efforts still underway in some towns. The need to adequately prepare for the unexpected is becoming increasingly necessary. Sadly, epidemics, floods, storms, droughts and fires are expected to become more severe and more frequent.

Having an emergency response plan in place could save time, money and lives. Disasters and emergencies can happen at any time. A good plan can help protect yourself, your family or your place of work. The NSW State Emergency Service has information about preparing for floods and storms.

The NSW Rural Fire Service has resources to help you prepare yourself and your home for bushfires. They also have real-time information about fires in your area. The WNSW PHN disaster preparedness website has information for communities and health care professionals that will aid in preparations.

WNSW PHN wants communities to stay safe, look after each other and make sure you have an emergency plan in place, just in case.