
Clinical Councils Expressions of Interest - Now Open

Expressions of Interest are currently being called for the Far West and Western Clinical Councils. The purpose of the Clinical Councils is to support and advise the WNSW PHN Board on strategic directions and opportunities to further develop clinical services that meet the needs of Western NSW communities.
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Service Mapping for Chronic Care Survey

WNSW PHN together with ConNetica Consulting are conducting a pilot study that will apply an internationally standardised and validated classification tool to map chronic care provision in Dubbo and Coonamble. Support for the project is also being provided by the University of Sydney Brain and Mind Centre.
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Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease

The Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSW PHN) has recently announced the appointment of a new service provider for the Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease in western NSW.
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WNSW PHN Innovation Plan

The Western NSW PHN is committed to innovation in General Practice, Aboriginal Medical Services and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations in Western NSW. Registration of Interest for Participation in the WNSW PHN Innovation Plan is now open.

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School-Based Meningococcal W Vaccine

NSW Health will fund a new school-based meningococcal W vaccination program for all Year 11 and 12 students.
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BHCC Resident GP Video Connect Goes Live in Dubbo

WNSW PHN's Better Health Care Connections - Resident GP Video Connect pilot program has been operating in Broken Hill since April 2016 and has now launched in Dubbo.
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I Care for Palliative Care - Cancer Council NSW Campaign

A collection of “real, heart-wrenching personal” experiences of palliative care, to be launched in Dubbo in February 2017, is part of Cancer Council NSW’s push for more action to ensure better palliative care in our region.
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Western Health Alliance Limited Expands Membership

In a bid to increase, strengthen and diversify our partnerships, Western Health Alliance Limited, the company operating WNSW PHN, recently extended invitations to several organisations in the western NSW region to join the company as members.
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