
My Health Record opt-out period extended

The opt-out period for My Health Record has been extended to 31 January, 2019 and the opt-out portal and helpline will remain open and available until then.
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Changes to Medicare in drought-affected regions

There will be some changes to Medicare that will take effect on 1 November 2018 to provide mental health support to individuals in drought-affected regions.
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Help to quit for World Mental Health Day

Did you know that up to 75 per cent of people with a mental health issue smoke, which is over 60 per cent more than the general NSW population? In addition, people with a mental health issue who smoke have higher levels of nicotine dependence and smoke more frequently.
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Psychiatry support line praised by GPs

The GP Psychiatry Support Line is a free service for GPs aimed at helping them manage the care of their mental health consumers.  Since its launch on July 2nd 2018, the response has been overwhelmingly positive.
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Q Fever risk rises as drought grips state

NSW Health is urging people in regional and rural NSW, particularly parents, to take extra precautions against Q fever as drought and windy conditions may raise the risk of the disease in these areas.
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Healthcare providers embracing digital health technologies

Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) Chief Operating Officer Bettina McMahon visited Dubbo last week to discuss the rollout of the My Health Record Program with local healthcare providers.
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GPs urged to be alert for invasive meningococcal disease

August and September are peak months for invasive meningococcal diseas and NSW Health is urging GPs to be alert for the disease in all ages.

NSW is offering meningococcal ACWY vaccine (Men ACWY) to Year 10 and 11 students through schools in 2018 and to Year 10 students in 2019.

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Action urged to prevent payments being cut

Parents are running out of time to vaccinate their children if they want to avoid having their family support payments cut under the Commonwealth Government’s No Jab, No Pay rules.
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My Health Record opt-out period extended

The Turnbull Government has extended the opt-out period for My Health Record by an extra month to November 15, 2018.
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