Events Calendar Upcoming Events

Haemophilia clinic and dinner (Dubbo)

Date: 16-10-2024 10:00:00

When Wed 16th October, from 10am
Where Dubbo Base Hospital

Dubbo Base Hospital will host the state's first ever HAEMOPHILIA CLINIC west of the mountains next month, coinciding with Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month.

The following guests will be joining for the day:

  • Dr Liane Khoo, Director of the Haemophilia Treatment Centre, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
  • Mr Stephen Matthews, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Haemophilia & Bleeding Disorders, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
  • a representative of the Haemophilia Foundation NSW
  • with sponsorship provided by the Rare Diseases branch of NovoNordisk (pharma)

The programme for the day will be:

  • 10:00-12:40pm clinic
  • 12:40pm short break
  • 1:00-2:00pm Grand Rounds presented by Dr Khoo
  • 2:00-3:40pm clinic
  • 3:40pm - short break
  • 4:00-5:00pm afternoon tea in the wellness centre with Haemophilia Foundation + community/patients
  • 6:00pm - dinner at Lazy River Estate

Local GPs are also invited to join for a free dinner at Lazy River Estate, 6:00pm on WED 16th October.

RSVP via email by 5th Oct:
