
Puura Manti: A New Era in Chronic Disease Management and Prevention for Western NSW


Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSW PHN) is pleased to announce it has awarded tenders in its new Chronic Disease Management and Prevention (CDMP) Program for Western NSW; the Keeping Healthy Puura Manti Program.

Following the conclusions of WNSW PHN’s previous CDMP Program at the end of 2021, the Keeping Healthy Puura Manti Program is a new era in Chronic Disease Management and Prevention that will commence in 2022 following an extensive co-design and consultation process to fill immediate service provision gaps, build the capacity of the Primary Health Care sector for sustainable services, and enhance the integration and coordination of care.

To achieve all of its aims, the Keeping Healthy Puura Manti Program will be delivered across 3 separate areas by 3 independent providers.

Marathon Health will be delivering the program in the Central West area, while NSW Outback Division of General Practice (NSWODGP) will provide the service in the Western NSW area and the Royal Flying Doctor Service South Eastern Section (RFDS SE) will be the provider in the Far West.

In addition to this, the program’s Capability Building component across each region will be delivered by Prestantia Health.

WNSW PHN CEO, Andrew Coe, says the announcement of Tenders for the program is a major milestone.

“To see the Program at this stage is incredibly exciting, and January will see the start of our region benefitting from the immense amounts of planning that has gone into making the Keeping Healthy Puura Manti Program the best provision of Chronic Disease Management and Prevention for Western NSW.”

He added, “Even in the name, Puura Manti, in Barkindji meaning “for our spirits”, this program is a demonstration of our commitment to delivering inclusive initiatives for every resident of Western NSW that also provide real improvements of health outcomes.”

Marathon Health CEO, Megan Callinan, says “We’ve been building innovative models for preventative healthcare delivery in partnership with communities and other health providers, and are excited for the opportunity to continue to drive outcomes within Dubbo and Gilgandra.”

She added, “Our strong primary health team are passionate about supporting country Australians to thrive through improved health and wellbeing. We look forward to strengthening our relationships with communities and connecting people to the care and support they need.”

General Manager of NSWODGP, Tanya Jackson, says, “The NSW Outback Division of General Practice is looking forward to continuing to work with the WNSW PHN, our partners and providers in Lot 2 (Western) following our successful tender for the Chronic Disease Program.”

“Outback Division has been delivering key services to communities and collaborating with General Practices and Aboriginal Medical Services partners for over 25 years, delivering high quality Mental Health, Early Intervention and Allied Health Services for our communities.”

She added, “Outback Division values our local people and organisations and acknowledges their commitment and contribution to improving health outcomes for our most vulnerable people and populations, particularly in preventing and managing chronic conditions and disease.”

RFDSSE General Manager Health Service Jenny Beach welcomed the opportunity to run the program in the Far West.

“RFDSSE is looking forward to extending and supporting services in the Far West of the state, particularly in the area of chronic disease.  We are looking forward to working in partnership with the practices and organisations across the Far West,” Ms Beach said.

Prestantia Health Principal, Dr Paresh Dawda, says, “Effective chronic disease management and prevention is so critical to the wellbeing of our communities and the sustainability of our health systems.  We’re delighted to be supporting a person centred and culturally responsive program of primary care capacity and capability building right across the Western NSW region.”

Mr Coe has thanked the providers of the existing program.

“NSW Outback Division of General Practice Chronic Disease Management and prevention Program has been absolutely vital for our residents for such a substantial time.”

He added, “We’re also extremely grateful for the involvement of the many individuals and organisations throughout the co-design process of this new program, without which, we would not be able to be launching such an important service as the Keeping Healthy Puura Manti Program.”

People currently accessing the Chronic Disease Management and Prevention Program being delivered by NSWODGP can be assured that the transition into the Keeping Healthy Puura Manti Program will be as seamless as possible once the new program commences on January 1st, 2022.


About the Keeping Healthy Puura Manti Program Delivery Regions

Lot 1 LGAs included

Lot 2 LGAs included

Lot 3 LGAs included



Dubbo Regional

Broken Hill



Central Darling















About the Tender Winners 

Marathon Health

Marathon Health is one of the few health organisations based in country Australia with the core purpose to identify, deliver and sustain services to people within these communities. We deliver services from our hubs in Albury, Bathurst, Canberra, Dubbo, Orange, Queanbeyan, and Wagga. Marathon Health is one of the largest providers of headspace services in Australia and the largest non-government employer of allied health professionals in regional NSW. 


NSW Outback Division of General Practice (NSWODGP) supports regional capacity to enable a sustainable, culturally safe, accessible, and well-connected primary health care system tailored to Western NSW. ODGP’s advocacy is enhanced by the management and treatment of disease in Western NSW communities through supporting improvements in Aboriginal healthcare, supporting a stronger health care system in Western NSW communities and supporting local workforce strategies.

RFDS SE Section

For Australians living in rural and remote areas, there are few services more important, trusted, and respected than the Royal Flying Doctor Service.  In some of the most remote areas of New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia, emergency care, health and wellbeing services provided by the Royal Flying Doctor Service (South Eastern Section) are a vital lifeline for communities. Through the delivery of broad-ranging, high quality healthcare services, the Royal Flying Doctor Service (South Eastern Section) aims to close the healthcare gap and improve the health outcomes of those living in our regional, rural and remote communities.

Prestantia Health

Prestentia Health is experienced in quality improvement techniques and approaches in healthcare. Prestantia Health has published on quality improvement and delivered training to build capacity and capability in a wide range of organisations including provider organisations such as general practices and hospitals, Residential Aged Care Facilities as well as Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), Primary Health Networks (PHNs), and other organisations.