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Medicinal Cannabis in 2021 – When, Why and How?

Date: 21-07-2021 19:00:00

When Wednesday 21 July 2021 at 7:00pm
Where Online
Cost Free

Australia’s medicinal cannabis industry has rapidly expanded in the last few years, with now dozens of listed manufacturers and suppliers, clinics and dispensing services, advocacy and information services, and often with links between them. The task of obtaining necessary authorities (Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), state health departments and the Office of Drug Control) has been made easier by the TGA providing a one-stop application portal and by clinics of various kinds that facilitate the application process that typically also prescribe the medication.

For what conditions should cannabinoid products be prescribed? Are they effective and safe? How, in what formulations and by whom should they be prescribed? Do GP NPs have a place in this or is it best left to those with a special interest or expertise? How does this relate to the AOD field at this time?

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